In 2018, Astrapto led a food waste prevention and reduction project at the Baltimore Convention Center, sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund
The first step in our efforts to deal with waste should be prevention, through rethinking processes and innovation. Then we aim to manage and reduce waste with the principles of circularity such as reuse, repurpose, and recycling or composting. The blogs on this page provide tips and examples for waste prevention and reduction.
After a food waste training session, there was such excitement among staff to participate that they almost had a "too many cooks in the kitchen" situation. The confusion of having so many people involved led to a refinement in process, definitions of waste, vessels, etc. and clarification of roles so that everyone can add value.
In this blog, I share some brief examples for each of the Rs in the landfill diversion equation: rethink, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle. The rethink step is especially important.! There’s also a link to a playback of a webinar on single-use plastics and one on recycled content.
In this blog, I highlight a great conversation with someone who knows a thing or two about ugly produce. Sure we all know we should be willing to eat them to reduce food waste but it’s not always that simple when you’re facing the unspoken rules and unwritten policies governing commercial kitchens.
In 2018, Astrapto led a food waste reduction initiative in Baltimore, Maryland. This project, sponsored by World Wildlife Fund, and thanks to the leadership of the Baltimore Convention Center, resulted in significant food waste reduction efforts and new, creative partnerships to improve food sustainability in Baltimore events.
Many studies focus on what to do with waste once it is created. We need to talk more about PREVENTION! It’s similar to the problem we see in healthcare – a focus on treatment (e.g., drugs, surgery), rather than prevention (healthy diet and exercise).